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 A big issue within the hispanic community is language barriers.  a solution is to provides resources in both English and Spanish to cater to their needs. 




The landing page and home screen provided an up to date feed that shows resources that are post online and within the app. As well as a communal board to displays resources and information locally.  


Being able to access your local and communal resources is essential.  With Pass the Pencil it is all assessable within the apps library whether its academic, legal matters, or communal documents. 

Estela Cuquesi

“I want my kids to succeed, but I don't know how to help; it isn't easy that Spanish is my second language and that I have to rely on my oldest to care for the youngest while working.”

Estela is a single mother of two children, a 13-year-old boy, and a 7-year-old girl. Trying her best to provide for her family, she currently works long days and nights. Thus, she relies heavily on the oldest to take care of things at home and his siblings while she is working.  When it comes to school she isn't able to do much to help, being that she never went to school herself.

1 girl, & father

 Martina Perez

“I don't have someone at home to give me guidance or help me with work. I wish finding help was easier”

Martina Perez is a 12-year-old immigrant child who came here to this country from El Salvador with only her father. With him working all day she doesn’t have a support system to help push her academically. Fortunately, she is always eager to learn, however, she didn't attend school in Elsavador which makes attending school much harder.

1 boys, 1 girl, & mother

“We want both of our kids to go to university. but How can we help? Where do we start? It's difficult enough to try to read the forms.”

 The Ramirez family is from the Dominican Republic. although both parents work they do their best to help their kids with the school as much as they can. Both kids are eager to learn and succeed however with a scarce amount of resources it makes it difficult for them to assess information to help 

2 boys, mother, & father

Ramirez Family



How do we provide resources for quality education to immigrant children and their families to succeed? 

A platform that is accessible in both languages that provided information and resources geared for immigrant students and their families.


How do we provide resources for quality education to immigrant children and their families to succeed? 

Through interviews along with data collected from surveys and research; personas were made to help create design solutions. For one to have a sense of empathy, to look beyond our scope and into theirs with a better understanding.

With this design solution we will be able to provide a platform that is assessable in both english and spanish that will be able to provided information in both languages that provided information and resources geared for immigrant students and their families.






44.8 Million

make up the US population

Roughly 1% of school districts have adopted Immigrant-friendly policies and inclusive resources. 

K-12 immigrant students 

3.9 Million 

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